Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Your Six Year Old.

Parker has been a real piece of work these days. At first I attributed it to subs, or being tired, or whatever, but the more it continued, the more I thought it was something else. Then I remembered what Ebba went through when Lincoln was six. I also remembered a series of books she recommended I read. I never did read them since Parker has generally been (except for some time when he was 2) a pretty easy, responsive, rule following kid. He is definitely not your typical kid He never seemed to fit the mold...until now.

When I went to look up the book, the title was: Your six year old: Loving and Defiant. Here is a short description:

Six is growing more mature, more independent, more daring and adventurous -- this is not necessarily an easy time for the little girl or boy. Relationships with mothers are troubled -- most of the time Six adores mother, but whenever things go wrong, it's her fault. It used to be, at Five, that she was the center of the child's universe; now, the child is the center of his own universe.

Since everything happens to be my fault these days (I didn't pack the right snack, I didn't come up with the best craft project, I forgot where I packed the origami books, I didn't get the perfect paper, etc), the book seems right on and I suppose I'll have to read it.


Ebba said...

Or just read the titles every year which seem to sum it up pretty well. Your Four Year Old is Wild and Wonderful. Thanks for reminding me about these books, need to check out Your 8 Year Old...

More of the Howe Girls said...

What's the name of the book??...I think I need to read it! Sam is acting the same way!! I keep thinking of the teenage years with 3 girls around the same age...she can be so defiant that they only way to get her attention is to yell and I mean yell as loud as I can! Thankfully we live on 25 acres so we dont have neighbors that close!!

Sara said...

I would love to know the name of the book too. Or at least tell me the title of the three year old chapter. Your Three Year Old is Monsterous and Manipulative? ;)