Friday, April 01, 2011

Sleep Walking

Last night around 9:30ish, Michael and I were on the couch/our bed watching TV and we heard Parker's door open. Since Parker never, ever wakes up at night, we both sort of looked at each other and then he said, "Parker?" No response, but then we heard a noise that we couldn't quite place so Michael jumped up and went over to see what was going on. Parker was standing in the little space before the bathroom and at the bottom of the stairs, peeing. He didn't pee in his pants. He thought he was in the bathroom. Michael said, "Parker, oh no, come in here, that's not the bathroom." I jumped up and started to clean up the pee. Then Parker wanders into the bathroom and then starts peeing in the bathtub. Michael helped him to the toilet to finish and then carried a now awake and crying Parker back to bed. It was sad and sweet all wrapped up in one.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

I did that in the walk-in closet in the Matchwood condo when I was a little older than Parker. I never had another episode that I recall.