Friday, April 22, 2011

Group Play Date

We're on spring break this week. We've been doing some excursions (like to SF yesterday with Parker's pals) and hanging around the house. Today we had a group playdate with the kids from the preschool. I basically invited the whole class and hoped they wouldn't all turn up. Which they didn't. 'Only' 28 kids and parents did. 28 seems like a lot, but our house absorbed it nicely. We set up the jumpy house too (hadn't used it in ages, but they all still love it) so with the trampoline, swings, general backyard craziness, upstairs dressing up areas, downstairs playroom and jumpy house the kids were well entertained. I had snacks for parents and kids and almost all the kids food was eaten. Everyone said they had a blast and it mostly went off very well. One kid even lost a tooth here and didn't tell her mom until she was home. They came back to find it (and did!) and then stayed for 2 more hours just hanging out.

I think everyone will sleep well tonight.

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