Sunday, April 03, 2011

We're moved.

It was a long weekend, but we are officially moved. It took all day Saturday to move us and all day Sunday to unpack about half of the boxes. It was tough all the way around. Here is how we all handled it.

Parker: He was the most shaken up about the move. It manifested in crying, sobbing, screaming fests Sat evening/night and Sunday morning/early afternoon. We thought he was just tired and hungry, but Michael got him to admit he was anxious about the move and wasn't sure where all his stuff was.

Miranda: She seems to love the new house, but has gotten hurt about 8 times in the last two days. On the stairs, on the trampoline, in her room, for no reason at all, in the kitchen, etc, etc. By the last time, I said, "Sorry you got hurt," but I barely even looked in her direction as she screamed and cried. Parent of the month award, I know.

Elizabeth: Elizabeth has had 4 pee and 2 poop accidents in the last 3 days. The very last one today, I told her to clean it up on her own and she wasn't allowed to wear new pants (since between the peeing, pooping and just general changing of clothe had worn about 4 pants already that day.) More awards, I know.

Me: My back hurts, I'm tired, short tempered (more than normal) and I'm overwhelmed. I don't usually get that way, but today around 1pm, I just sort of stood there looking at all the boxes and didn't know what to do or where to start. Michael helped me crawl out of the funk.

Zeke: We moved him over today and he has spent the entire day under our bed. We aren't letting him out of our room (WE HAVE A ROOM!) until he starts acting normal. Then he'll only get to go on the second and third floors for a while.

Michael: Michael actually seems to be doing very well. He not only did lots of moving random stuff from the old house to this one, but assembled all the beds, a bathroom stand, sectional couch, and unpacked tons of boxes. He seems to be holding up the best, but maybe the shit will hit the fan tomorrow.

I'll try to upload some pics tomorrow or Tuesday.


Rachel said...

Oh, and Rainbow is totally unaffected by all of it.

Ebba said...

I was floored by how much unpacking you had done. Can I come over and babysit so you & Micheal can go get a hot tub? Please let me. I can do any evening except Weds & Thurs. Getting the meat tomorrow and the meat loaf & mash potatoes will be there soon. Everyone will soon settle in and it will have been worth it. Hang in there!

Sara said...

You guys are troopers. Did you say 2nd and 3rd floors? That's the Piedmont lifestyle baby. Glad you are all moved, I'm sure the kids and animals will settle in. Don't beat yourself up about the stuff with the kids, you are an awesome mom and they will work it out. Hope to see you tomorrow but totally understand if you aren't there!