Saturday, January 09, 2010

Bad Math

When I was picking up the house tonight, I found this. At first, I was kinda freaking out. But then I noticed, the answers were wrong. All of them. He knew the first two were wrong (hence the 'no' after them), but he thought the third one was right AND he thought that 32660 was twice 16380.

You see he has been adding up all the powers of 2 lately.

1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128+512+1024+2048+4096+8192+16384, etc looking at each answer and assigning it either a level or a Parker is 255 (the sum of the first 8 numbers in that formula, and Aidan is 31, etc)). So not only did he get 16380 wrong, but he got the 32,660 wrong too! Three wrong answers on one piece of paper! Yipee! Maybe he is just a regular kid who can't add! Maybe he'll be playing Star Wars games and Batman soon enough!



MD said...

Has Parker realized that the sum of the first n powers of 2 is just one less than 2^(n+1)?

Can he follow a demonstration of why that has to be true?

Michael said...

No, and probably not. I can only speculate about the latter, as there's nobody in the house capable of making such a demonstration.

Rachel said...

Nobody here, but us nobodys...