Thursday, January 28, 2010

That was a close one!

Although I have completely lost the Dora battle (and have been official scolded by my parenting partner), I am holding strong in the anti princess war. At a recent playgroup, many of the little girls were dressed up in dresses and my girls had no interest. Yay!

But then, later that day Elizabeth came to me with one of the big pieces of fabric Amy gave them when they were 2 and said, "Can you make this into a princess?" Oh shit, I thought! This is it. The moment I knew would come.

So I ask, "What is a princess?"

She says, "You know, when it is short like a skirt, with my arms out."

"Oh, thank god," I mutter under my breath as I tie it around her like a sarong.

1 comment:

More of the Howe Girls said...

i gave in completely...I swear we have about 2 dozen princesses dresses that they change about 3 to 4 times a day! it's cute but am waiting for this whole princess thing to go away...