Thursday, January 21, 2010

TPS: Sesame Street

Parker and I found ourselves home alone while the girls were at school today. This is a rarity so I took advantage and did some cleaning while he entertained himself with marble runs and drawing. Around 10:30 I remembered that Sesame street was on and turned it on. As I was fussing with it to record it for later (something that I can't believe I've never thought of until now), I said to Parker, "Do you want to watch some sesame street?"

He says, "Nah, I remember we watched that when I was like 3 and I didn't like it."

Which is true. One time, I turned it on for him and all he wanted to do was the count dracula part. He didn't understand live TV couldn't be played over and over and over again. (Which I guess it can now.)

So then, as I was programming it to record every day, they start a segment on the alphabet at a circus. Each clown would do something and then turn into a letter. He looked up from his marble run and watched for a moment. When it finished, he turned to me with a giant smile on his face and said, "It was the Alphabet. Cool."

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