Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday with dad

Rachel had a YMCA thing today all day, so I had the kids. After a trip to get donuts, the kids still in their jammies, we got down to the business of the day. We spent much of the morning filling the dining room with elevated train tracks. It started with just me and Parker, but then the girls got into the swing of things.

After the girls chose not to nap, we had craft time in the kitchen, and made masks. I thought I was very clever to cut strips of colored paper for them to glue on.

The kids played really nicely together for the most part, and I even had enough time during the day to battle the kitchen drawer that has been stuck shut for the last few months. I was worried at time that I was going to break the drawer in half trying to get it free, but I prevailed, and the drawer is now once again functional and looking good as new.


Unknown said...

what happened to your dining room table?

Michael said...

It's disassembled and standing up in the garage. But you're right, it would make an excellent train table.