Sunday, January 17, 2010

A good weekend.

I left my camera at my friends' house so I don't have any pics to upload now. Hopefully I'll get it back soon.

Friday after gymnastics, I took the kids to the Jelly Belly Factory with Susan and Ebba. I had always wanted to go and after Elizabeth's desire to eat them, I thought what the heck. The tour was slightly cheesy, but still very interesting. The kids didn't get much of it, but I sure did like seeing all those jelly bellies. And the free samples were great too. We picked up some Belly Flops (the rejects) before we lefts and I of course, had to eat a carmel apple*

When we returned home, I immediately headed out again for a Pizza Making Party with 9 of my newest friends from Boot Camp. We all brought ingredients and made 6 pizzas. I helped with the chicken and pesto as well as a cheese, basil and garlic one. They both turned out nicely as did the one Michael made with left over dough the next evening.

On Saturday, after a quick run with my new half marathon training buddies, we drove up to Tahoe for some sledding. I had gotten a Sno Park permit, chains and a sled as well as all the clothes for the kids, so we were all set. We stopped at the closest one, about 2 1/2 hours from home and it was perfect. Not too crowded. Very woodsy. And good sledding for the kids. Parker loved it. All aspects of it. He was in heaven the whole time. And Miranda. Wow. Miranda was the bravest. She hopped on the sled and went down the big hill by herself. Elizabeth who was too scared to do it, saw her doing it and said, "I want to go by myself!" We had lunch out of the back of the car, sledded some more and headed home. A lot of driving (which Parker pointed out to Michael on the way home: We drove for longer than we played), but still a very good time that I was very glad we did.

That evening Susan and I saw a very bad movie. Even with Amy Adams, it still sucked.

Sunday morning, Michael let me sleep in which is always nice. I weighed in at Jenny Craig, lying about all the jelly bellies I ate over the last two days, took the kids to a birthday party, went to boot camp for some Tri Fun (Swimming, biking, running) and then came home to hang with the kids, cleaned a bit, read an article about a swearing mommy who was cooking risotto my mom had sent me from the New Yorker, and make dinner. After about an hour and a half of folding laundry, I was done.

Michael and I agreed, it was a very good weekend.

Pics of sledding, pizza party, jelly bellies coming soon!

* There are certain things that I just have to eat whenever I see them or they are on a menu. Cotton Candy, Risotto, Carmel Apples and Jambalaya.

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