Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pizza Night

I've become friendly with some women from bootcamp. They are all the really fit people who can do everything 10 times better than I can so when I started to get invited to activities to them, I was quite pleased they thought of me as "one of them." Two weeks ago, we had a pizza night where we all got together and made pizzas from scratch. I made two, one with others and one on my own and both turned out pretty damn good. I even made the dough. The one below is chicken pesto and garlic. My favorite was the potato with caramelized shallots. Delicious!

One of the ladies made us all our own short 50's style aprons. You can't see mine, but it is a Hawaiian print since she knew I just went to Hawaii. It was too sweet.

1 comment:

More of the Howe Girls said...

Pizza making has become an art form in our house! The kids love it and it's so much better (and cheaper) then going out for pizza. I was into making the dough but we found fresh dough at the local grocery store that is pretty good and now we can have impromtu pizza night...making the dough is the time consuming part!