Friday, January 01, 2010

The meaning of friendship.

Parker has decided that he is going to be friends with Elizabeth now. He includes her in games, asks to sit next to her at the table, allows her to sleep in his bed, and says often how they are friends.

Elizabeth, being the savvy girl that she is, uses this to her advantage. Like today, Elizabeth and Miranda had some apples for snack. Parker didn't stop his drawing to join us. Then we went to the park. I offered Parker some apples on our way out which he gladly accepted. Elizabeth then asked for some. I reminded her she had some already and she says, "Maybe Parker will share his." I told her she could ask, but he might say no. So, she says to him, "We are friends now Parker and sometimes friends share their apples."

Parker looks at her and then his apples and hands her one. She smiles and bounces away.

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