Friday, January 01, 2010

Mini Golf

On Christmas Day, Eran and I took the boys to a "Fun" zone that had mini golf, bumper boats and an "extreme" trampoline. They played mini golf first and they all really seemed to care how many strokes it took them to get it in the hole. In general, it took them 10-20 hits, but it always seemed to add up to about 4 or 5 in their minds. Oliver was particularly concerned that Parker added his up correctly. The mini golf was frustrating, for kids and parents alike.

But...the bumper boats were a complete hit with the kids as well as me and Eran. All of us jammed around this little lake squirting each other as went, laughing and bumping into each other as we went. We all got wet, but Eran got particularly soaked.

After some successful giant bouncing, we went in search of shave ice, which is harder than it sounds on Christmas Day. I love shave ice. It's my second favorite almost completely sugar treat.

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