Thursday, January 14, 2010

TPS: Specificity

One thing I'm not particularly good at is explaining things to the kids in any level of detail. When we are going to target, I say we are going to the "store". When I say we are going to the San Jose Children's Museum, I say "museum". When I say we are going to take side streets, I never tell them the name of the streets. I've gotten better, but it's definitely something I need to work on especially as they older and wiser. (Elizabeth always wants to know what things are called so she is reminded me constantly.)

So it was even more strange today when I asked Parker what kind of snack he wanted and he said, "I would like two multi-grain crackers and one ritz cracker with regular cream cheese."

I'm thinking Michael taught him that or his reading is better than I thought...


Michael said...

I didn't teach him any of that.

Unknown said...

Multi-grain!?! What the hell is going on there?

Unknown said...
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Jenna said...

That is from me. Hahahah! Last time I was there he was getting particular about his cracker choices and that is exactly what Parker requested when I gave him his options.

Rachel said...

Ha! I knew it had to come from someone. Multi grain seemed wayy to hard for him.