Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Parker updates

I signed up Parker for Kindergarten today. It's not 100% guaranteed that he will get into the school we want, but it's pretty sure. It's the neighborhood school that is 1 1/2 blocks away. We'll find out in March for sure. He has at least 3 friends that will be going there, so I know it will be great.

Parker has finally decided that reading isn't the worst thing in the world and isn't resisting it as much as he has in the past. The last two days we read part of some books at bedtime together. Yesterday we did Green Eggs with Ham. He knows some of it and so he tried to cheat by using his memory a couple times. He also tried to look at the pictures to figure out what was going on rather than the words. But in general, he did great and read well. He could sight read words like 'and', 'the', 'not', but got stuck on other words like 'would' and 'in' (which I found interesting.) He is also staring to read some signs. Like at school yesterday, he read "welcome back!" without any help. I think, and have for some time, that he will really like reading when he is better at it.

His love of highways hasn't died down yet. He has started doing other freeways, but his favorites are still 580, 980, 880 and 24.

Today, he said that he will be feeling tired around lunch time and I should pick him up early from school. Not sure what that is about, but I'm guessing it's because some of the other kids go home early from time to time for one reason or another and he is feeling left out.

We've got his 5 year old check up on Thursday. Not sure if they do shots or not then, but I don't think he cares at this point.


Ebba said...

Thought you might get a laugh out of this little tidbit regarding Parker's influence. Allison and Fiona were setting up a train track and I overheard Fiona say, "it's the 580, that's what it is."

Rachel said...

Oh my. Say it ain't so!

Ebba said...

Fiona is drawing right now. I had to see if she got the gist of the 580 thing so I asked her to draw one and she said she couldn't. I asked her who could and she said, Parker.