Tuesday, July 29, 2008

bedtime day 4: CIO

After Miranda started getting wound up again tonight, I just said screw it. I had already sat with her for 20 minutes and read lots of books and I knew nothing was going to make her happy. So, I wished her well, apologized to Elizabeth and left the room. She screamed and screamed. After about 15 minutes, she was still screaming, but then I heard Elizabeth too. Eli was in Parker's bed (He was reading books with Dad downstairs). So I went up there and put Eli back to bed and told Miranda (who had stopped crying while I was in the room) that she could keep crying. I left again. She cried for another 10 minutes and then fell asleep. I took Parker up about 10 minutes later and all are sleeping quietly at the moment. I think I'll use the same CIO technique in the middle of the night too (Michael's in the back tonight since I was last night.) Maybe I'll take Parker down with me so he can sleep. But actually, he has been able to sleep through the girls middle of the night 2 hour nonsense sessions so he might just be fine.

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