Monday, July 21, 2008


For Christmas we gave Julia this bundle of kittens. When I saw it at some random toy store, I just knew it would be perfect for her. And I was right. She carries them around and even sleep with them. Amy, although she forgot her blanket on our recent trip, remembered to bring these kittens. Well, two of them. Which was about one less or two more than she should have brought making the little feline dolls an ITC (see previous post). Pretty much the entire trip, all the girls were obsessed with them which resulted in one pissed off kid much of the time. I tried to remedy the situation, just to get some peace and quiet, with some cute fuzzy bears we got at the Sequoia gift store. I thought they would do the trick, but as soon as they saw the kittens back at the cabin, they screamed "Ya-Ya!" Ya-Ya is and has been their word for cat since they could make sounds. They call Zeke Ya-ya, pictures of cats ya-ya and anything else feline related ya-ya.

Since I had been pondering the idea of getting Fiona some kitten stuffed animals to help with her fear of cats, after this trip I knew it would be only a matter of time before I got the bundle of kittens. In fact, on the way home from Sequoia I made a much pissed off Michael stop at the random toy store to get more. This toy store is so random that they had gone out of business.

So when we got home, I did a search for "basket of kittens". Sure enough, the first one listed was for the exact thing I had gotten Julia. And even was a Melissa and Doug toy. Score! So amazon made some money from us that night and tonight they arrived.

The girls were in heaven. I haven't seen Elizabeth that happy in weeks. They could not get over it. I told them the cats had to sleep in the cat bed, but Dad thought they could sleep with them as long as we limited sleep buddies to two each. So...when I got home from a blood test tonight, I went to see the girls (who heard me and were yelling MOMMY!) and saw the poor Sequoia bears, who had been bed buddies since our trip, on the floor and one cat each in bed with them.

The whole thing was simply ridiculous. I blame Amy. But then again, she probably blames me.


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