Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Linda Beach Preschool Camp

Parker is at Preschool Camp this week. This time, it's at the school he will be attending in September. Since it was the first day yesterday, Susan watched the girls so I could go alone with him. I got there early and stayed for a bit. I introduced him to the teacher (Mrs. Nelson) and then left, hoping for the best. When I returned to pick him up, he was sitting alone in the room eating his snack. I said, "Oh, I'm so sorry, I thought pick up was at noon?!" Mrs. Nelson said, "It is, you are early." Apparently, in the middle of play time outside, Parker got hungry and asked for his snack. They made hats yesterday and Parker loved his. The Director, who let him move from the 3 year old group to the 4 year old group once she saw how mature/smart/whatever he was said he did great and it seemed like he had been there forever.

Today, I took the girls to drop him off and pick him up. I'll have to figure out the best way to do that, but having 2 loose toddlers running around isn't the way. I might have to use a stroller, something I rarely do anymore. After school, I put the girls down for their nap and then Parker announced he was not tired today. (I give him the choice on most days whether he wants to nap or not.) But since I had already seen him yawning, I insisted. He then asked if he could sleep on the couch. I knew he could sleep through my computer clicking and clacking and any other noises I made, so I said sure. It took him about 7 minutes to be out like a light.

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