Tuesday, July 08, 2008

More math

After music class today, I took the kids to studio grow to meet up with Ebba and Monika and their kids. It was twin tuesday so we all got to save a few bucks. Parker immediately wanted to play with the magnet numbers (great, $7 so he can do something he can do at home for free). He went off with Monika and Sammie, who is in love with Parker. I stayed with Charlie and my girls at the water play area. A while later, we all moved inside and I found Parker explaining some math to an employee. I told her "thanks" and she said, "is he yours?" "Yup." She looked stunned and said, "He's very, very smart." Yeah, yeah. I said, "if you want to really flip your lid, ask him what one number minus a bigger number is." She did and flipped out.

One the way home, we were talking about what we liked there. Parker said, "They had MORE than 10 numbers." I said, "Oh, how many more?" He replied, "MORE!" I said, "Did they have 12 numbers." "No!, they didn't have 6, they had MORE THAN 10!" I asked again, "Did they have 16 numbers? NO, not 8...10!" Finally, I got it. "Did they have 20 numbers?" YES! So I explained that he was doubling the numbers and doing multiplication. Which he somehow understood immediately. When I asked "what is 10 times 2?" He said, "20!" Then he said, "What is 5 times 2? 10!" Then he went on to tell me what every number up to 12 was times 2.


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