Saturday, July 19, 2008

Morning fun and make shift beds

This morning we were goofing off around the house. I had been wanting to get Miranda a toy bed for her dolls, but when my friend Monika reminded me that a shoe box would work just as well, I fashioned not one, but two, from a diaper box. The girls were pretty much in heaven. First with the dolls going in and taking naps and then with themselves in the box. Parker was jealous, so I took the big box from the other day and made a bed for him. Then he was in heaven and stayed in that bed for at least 20 minutes. The girls were a bit frustrated when they tried to lie down in their boxes. They got over it when they got to lie down in the big box.

Speaking of lying down, Michael spent most of the morning on the couch trying to catch up on some sleep, but the girls put forth their best effort to keep that from happening.

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