Thursday, July 24, 2008

Fine Motor Skills

I worked today at Parker's preschool camp. I was assigned the Art table. Today we were making necklaces. Stringing beads on string. I thought no one would be interested, but boy was I wrong. Everyone loved it and my table was hopping. Parker, of course, went first to the Science table where they were doing "Fruit Loop Math", which from what I could see was counting using sugary cereal. The kids were saying things like "I have 5!" , "I ate 7!" Then Parker says, "I want 45!" Great. At least he didn't open up his mouth and say, "I have negative 3!"

After a while, he did come over to check out my table. He wasn't too interested until I asked him if he could put 10 beads on his string. That did the trick and he made a necklace and a bracelet that he wore home.

There were two kids there being really annoying. One because he kept monopolizing the teacher with his demands to get his backpack and leave and the other saying things like, "I hate you and you are not best friend!" to the younger German kid who didn't speak much English. Nice. The German kid, who wasn't too pleasant either, took this as a sign that he was his best friend and stuck to him like glue. And when he got frustrated, he went and hit this little girl Izzy who was playing quietly on the floor with some animals. Poor kid.

Parker didn't really play with anyone like the 4 and 5 year olds were doing, but I did catch him sitting in a boat with another boy from time to time.

I'll definitely take the girls to that camp next year. Although, I'm still a little afraid of what Elizabeth will be like in such a setting.

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