Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Potty Training Update

After two trips where we used diapers sometimes and underwear other times, we are back in the swing of things potty training Eli. She's doing pretty well and definitely understands the process. Most mornings, she pees in the potty, does it again before baths and usually one or two more times during the day. The other day, she woke up from Nap dry and went pee in the potty immediately. Today, I took her to music class in underwear, warned the teacher she might pee on her drums, and hoped for the best. She did great and peed in the potty I keep in my car just after class.

She still hasn't pooped in the potty and doesn't like sitting on the big toilets (making visits to the bathroom difficult at parks and other outings.) She does like wearing the "pretty" (stripes or butterflies or something) underwear which is scary at best.

Miranda is still clueless.

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