Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Boxes and Wipes

After naps today, the kids played with a box. Boxes seem to be endless fun for any age. They slid down it, put stuff down it and later in the day, climbed in it. Elizabeth got bored at some point (not quite endless, I suppose) and went to clean a baby, the bed, the table and other stuff.

Then Elizabeth took all the wipes that she had pulled out and dumped them on the floor. I asked her to put them in the garbage. She looked at me like, "You do it." I told her to put them in the garbage. She turned her nose to me. I told her that she couldn't play with anything else until she put the wipes in the garbage. She chose to sit there and not pick up the wipes. At one point Parker offered to throw them away and I told him to leave them there. Elizabeth walked over, picked them up and handed them to Parker. I told her "No, you need to throw them away." She put them back down and then started rolling around on the ground. This lasted a long time. So I asked who wanted to go on a walk. Everyone said Yes, so Parker and Miranda got their shoes on and then I told Elizabeth that she could come if she put the wipes in the garbage. She shook her head. I said, OK, bye! Parker and Miranda walked outside and I looked back to Elizabeth again. I asked her if she wanted to come. She said, Yes. I told her to put the wipes in the garbage. She shook her head. I said, ""Bye!" and walked out the front door. She started crying and saying Mommy. I came back in and said, "Did you want to come with us?" She said, "Yesh." I told her to put the wipes in the garbage and while she was crying, she scooted over on the floor, picked them up and put them in the garbage. The whole process was about 40 minutes. It was painful, but I was not going to give up since I knew she KNEW exactly what was going on.

Oh, and Parker and the girls got some new shoes. With the exception of one or two cheap pair of target shoes and some from the garage sale, I haven't really bought any shoes for the kids. They all love their shoes and wear them all the time.

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