Thursday, July 31, 2008

No end in sight.

Tonight's bedtime could only be described as pure hell. We thought we had it bad with Parker when he was this age. We had no idea. Parker is handling it all very well, actually. But Eli and Miranda were in rare form tonight and Michael and I have no idea what to do about it.


Unknown said...

sell your house and move to phoenix... you can get a huge house for next to nothing!

Lori said...

I'm so sorry, I had good sleepers. But if I didn't, I would try the Supernanny Bedtime technique, after all it works on TV!
1. Regular bedtime routine, hugs, kisses, nite-nite, leave the room, all screaming and carrying on is to be COMPLETELY ignored.
2. The first time the child leaves the room, pick her up and firmly say It's Bedtime darling (feel free to use the term of endearment of your choice), and put her back to bed.
3. Continue to place the child back in the bed only if she comes out of the room, no further verbal discussion takes place, no holding, or comforting, no eye contact. If the child does not leave the room, do not go back in despite the screaming or carrying on. If someone falls asleep on the floor it won't hurt them.

Your kids are super smart, it wouldn't take long, my bet is 2 maybe 3 days, and peace would reign once more, hopefully before the next season of Survivor starts.

Rachel said...

Yeah, did that. (I like Super Nanny too!) Sure, they will go to sleep after a while (like several hours), but the issue is lack of sleep. No one is leaving the room, they are just playing or screaming. So they would do that for hours and then get like 8 hours sleep (since the wake up time is not influenced by the going to sleep time.)

I think, on day 9, say we are just screwed with no end still in sight.