Thursday, July 17, 2008

More Elizabeth Stories

So yesterday Eli was a real pill. Falling to the ground and not moving, not following Parker and Miranda (and me), doing the thing with the wipes, etc. It's all very "dramatic" and somewhat staged, which makes it bug me even more.

After a walk around the block yesterday (where she did her falling and staying trick several times), she had a dry diaper and I knew she had to pee. I just knew it. So we went to the potty and I told her we were going to stay there until she peed. This, she did not like. I realize it doesn't sound like the best potty training strategy but I'm getting tired of her sitting on the potty and then peeing on the floor 5 minutes later. Like I said, I knew she had to go.

So she sat there, crying and screaming for mommy. Until daddy came come. Then she cried and screamed for daddy. But I insisted she stay there. She was not happy. I kept checking on her and telling her she could go play or see daddy after she went pee. She was still not happy. So I left her again. Michael asked how long I was going to leave her in there. I said, "until she pees." This went on for a bit longer and then I went to check on her and there was toilet paper all over the bathroom. I started to get pissed and then noticed a full potty of pee! She was trying to wipe herself and ripping the toilet paper off is still too hard for her. I praised her up and down and she got to go see daddy. She was a delightful child the rest of the day.

Today, she is 7 for 8 in the potty. 7 pees in, and one accident, which happened at Parker's preschool camp pick up when she was playing with Jenna. And which she pooped at the same time. Ah well.

I wonder if yesterday's experience has "taught" her anything so she is choosing to pee in the potty more. Who knows.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Fat chance, dear.