Monday, July 14, 2008

Trip (pics from Marcus camera)

Turns out I guilted my sister into uploading some of the photos, so here they are in no particular order.

That splash is me jumping off the log with Eran watching me. And for someone scared of lakes (due to the piranas), I was very glad that I Eran went with me.

The Marcus Martin clan.

The scary staircase again.

Oliver being wacky at the creek.

On the first day when we were trying to stay cool and entertain the kids, I showed them how to drop ice through this hole in the deck. Dropping ice turned into throwing ice at trees.

The horses that were magical to Miranda. I actually took her to the stable on Saturday. She and Elizabeth just stood there looking at these huge animals. Elizabeth then started pointing to the them exclaiming "HORSE! HORSE!" But I think it did the ticket because Miranda didn't talk about them (much) afterwards.

Everyone (but me) at the lake.

Eli and Miranda sunning.

Peter being the only brave one to go in the deep creek water.

Until Oliver joined him...but just that far.

Parker had to go pee at one point so I told him to go in the bushes. About 10 minutes later, he drops his undies and does it again. Too funny.

Amy and Julia enjoying a rock.

After we had been at the creek about 30 minutes and it seemed like it might be time to head back, Eran says, Should I go get the sand toys. We hemmed and hawed and then he got them. And then we stayed there another hour or so.

When Eran was getting the sand toys, I got this great shot of everyone else.

Peter having a snack.

In the cave.

Enjoying the creek.

The longs with super cool Miranda.

Oliver wanted a picture of himself upside down.

Eli looking sweet.

More sand toys.

At one point Peter got sad when we were all teasing him a bit.

Ah, snack time!

More Eli.

More Longs.

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