Thursday, January 01, 2009

Sharp Girl

I was putting some old and new photos in some old and new frames today after the girls woke up from naps. Miranda points to one (out of a stack of at least 100) and says "That's Grandma Judy's house!" I look at the picture and it is Parker at their house when he was a year old I think. He was playing with a big box that contained the beep beep. All you can see is a small portion of the runner rug and some hardwood floor. I was impressed that she could tell whose house it was.

Then a few minutes later, she says, Where is Grandma Judy's house? I look through the stack and grab one with Parker and some hard wood floor and part of a oriental rug. She says, using her most grumpy face and voice, "That's NOT Grandma Judy's house!" I tell her she is wrong and to stop whining. She continues to whine and tell me that is NOT her house. I start looking through the stack again to find another one in the series to help me convince her she is wrong. I find one and realize that, she is in fact correct and the pictures I am looking at is Parker with the beep beep at our house. I find the right one, show it to her and she smiles the biggest smile and says, 'THAT'S Grandma Judy's house!!!!"

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