Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mean Girl

Elizabeth continues to be a mean girl. Her latest thing is telling people (her brother and sister) the opposite of what they say. Example?

Parker says "I see a thousand cars over the freeway!" (when we drive on an overpass)

Elizabeth says, "Parker NO see a thousand cars!" And she says it in this sing song way to ensure we are all sufficiently irritated.

Miranda says, "I'm happy!"

Elizabeth says, "No Nana happy. No Parker happy. Just Biza Happy!"

It drives the other two up the wall. Miranda usually starts crying (which is also annoying) and Parker just keeps repeating what he originally said while telling me what Elizabeth side.

We're not sure what to do with all of this. So far, we've been telling Miranda to tell Elizabeth that "she doesn't care" and walk away. I'm sure the "I don't care" will come back to bite us in the ass.


Jyllian said...

I think it's a developmental phase. At least one of our boys--not sure if it's one or both--does this to their sister. We tell her to ignore them.

Rachel said...

I hope to god you are right!