Friday, January 30, 2009

Like Mother Like Daughter

For the last few days, I've had Parker nap upstairs because he was coughing and I was pretty sure he would keep up or wake up one of the girls with the coughs.

Today, Elizabeth asked to sleep upstairs. Since we are still working on Miranda not waking up screaming after 40 minutes of napping, I thought this was great. Since Parker and I had already negotiated an earlier bedtime in exchange for not napping, I could do some crying it out with Miranda in the room alone. I wasn't sure how either of the girls were going to like sleeping apart (since they have never done it) for naps, but it worked out fine.

After books, I took Eli upstairs and tucked her in. I told her I would be back to sing songs. Then I went downstairs and sang songs to Miranda. 10 minutes later, after looking at some of Parker's drawings* I went back upstairs ready to do the same with Eli, but she was already fast asleep, bless her little heart. Reminded me of a story my mom has told me about her putting the three of us to bed way back when. I was Eli in he version and I fell asleep waiting for her to come back to read to me. I still had the book in my arms when she got there.

*Parker's drawings: In the last day or two, Parker has figured out how to draw pictures. Not pictures of numbers, or marble games or letters, but honest to god, pictures. He is doing them on his "wipe it clean" (magnetic type writing pad that can be erased over and over). The pictures are quite good. Sure, they are stick men and women, but they are doing all sorts of crazy things like eating cereal, going up stairs, taking a nap, drawing, and hanging out with Ted and Lion. It's really nice to see this change and I look forward to seeing more of his work.

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