Friday, January 02, 2009

Castle Logic

Ebba gave Parker this game called Castle Logic for his birthday. It's like a puzzle where pieces need to be assembled in a certain order. There are holes and pegs and colors that help the child along and in the end it looks like a castle. The booklet that comes with it has Starter, Junior, Expert and Master levels. Parker was looking for something quiet to do while his sisters were falling asleep so I suggested this game that he had yet played. After doing the first one on the starter level he was hooked. He did about 10 more and then started flipping through the book. I told him to stick with the starter level as the other levels were hard and he could do those when he was older. In his nice Parker way, he told me to go to hell and then did one of the expert ones. So there.

1 comment:

Ebba said...

I'm so glad he liked it! I can't wait to give it a try.