Wednesday, January 07, 2009

How the hell did I do it?

I babysat Baby Liam today. Liam is the brother to Aidan who goes to Parker's preschool. His mom had to work at school today and didn't have childcare. So I did it. He is an almost nine month old, sweet, non crawling, but majorly scooting boy. The girls loved him here. Miranda kept saying: There is baby Liam, while gently touching his head. They were so excited for him to be here and he seemed to know it. After about 1 1/2 it was time for his nap so I put him down in our room in the pack n play and thought there was no way in hell he was going to nap, but after a short protest, fell right asleep and slept for an hour and a half. After his nap, he gulged a bottle of milk, ate some lunch and hung out. He was entirely delightful the whole time.

That being said...I have no idea how I managed two babies at once. Although I can't remember, I don't think I carried them at all...something I did with Liam today. Perhaps I had them on the floor more, but was worried today about marbles and coins and cars and other small things that he would find scooting along the floor. I did have a bouncy chair and exercauser (from the loaner program) available, but he didn't really want anything to do with those. Was that the case with Miranda and Elizabeth? I can't remember.

And I think not remembering is just great.

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