Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I love you.

I'm sure Michael and I do many things that are not "correct". Some we are aware of and some we are not. One that we are aware of is that neither of us say "I love you" very much to the kids. We'll say it once and a while, but certainly not daily or as any form of closing like at bedtime or during fake phone conversations. It bugs me a little bit and I've tried to remember to be better at that.

Which is why when Elizabeth went around the house telling her sister and brother and baby dolls that she loved them this morning, I found it all quite odd. I suppose there are books we have read with "I love you" in them and sure, the daddies on the bus say I Love You, but she appeared to really understand the emotion, hugging and kissing the dolls as she expressed her affection.

I guess saying that is better than walking around the house saying Bullshit.

1 comment:

Val said...

Thanks for your comment on my "I love you no matter what" blog entry. I meant to comment on this. I love your honesty and I love that despite the lack of I love you's from you and Michael, Elizabeth is spreading the love. Words are just part of showing love. You do a lot, mama. Your blog alone is a total act of love.