Thursday, January 01, 2009


I'm not much of a reader. Never have been. And probably never will be. But I do like celebrity nonsense and I enjoy a good biography so when Carrie Fisher came out with her biography "Wishful Drinking", I figured I would probably really like it.

I was wrong. It's 156 pages with many pages filled with un-captioned photos of people like Elizabeth Taylor, Cary Grant, and Debbie Reynolds (her mom). The font was huge. I would guess like 14 point and the spacing was at least 1 1/2 or possibly 2 lines each. So basically, there was about 14 pages of actually reading in this tell-all.

Sure, she talked about the fact that she is crazy, an alcoholic and a bad actress. She also plotted her family tree next to Elizabeth Taylors, but there wasn't much more there. There was barely anything on the star wars years, except that she is now a pez dispenser and nothing of substance about her illness (bi-polar) or addiction (she has been in and out of rehab, on and off being sober for most of her life).

It was badly written (as if she was drunk and talking into a tape recorder, which is probably what she was doing) and poorly edited.

I'm trying to erase the memory of that book by reading Outliers, the next Malcolm Gladwell book. In the 1st chapter it talks about the huge benefits of having children be older in school than their peers and suggest a lifetime of success may come to those kids that are held back when going into Kindergarten. Relevant and a fun read? May the force be with me!

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