Wednesday, January 21, 2009

More and more math

Parker has been telling me what things equal all day today. He was shouting it from the living room like this:

"Mommy....5 + 9 = 14!" and then demanded I give some sort of response. It was all incredibly irritating. So told him to stop shouting numbers at me. So he came into the kitchen and whispered, "Mommy does 13 plus 12 equal 25" Sigh.

Then at one point Elizabeth said, "Parker, Nana time to clean up!" to which Parker replied, "I'm busy doing my math!"

At that point I realized he was playing with his abacus.

After naps it started all again, but more advanced. "Mommy, 96 plus 14 is 110!"

Ah, the age old friendship between a boy and his abacus...

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