Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Awesome Playdate

Yesterday, the kids and I went to a twin mom's house for a playdate. She has three kids too, 20 month old B/G twins and a 3 1/2 year old girl. They live on Ashby near College (2 blocks from park and across the street from the library) in what appeared to be the most awesome house I've ever been in. I thought Ebba's house was big and fun, but this place put hers to shame. It was huge. 4 bedrooms upstairs, room after room downstairs including craft room, office, dining room, huge living room, and other little nooks and crannies. Oh, and did I mention the lovely kitchen that looked out onto a deck and the backyard? Each room was filled with all manner of kid stuff from train table to art table to play house to loads and loads of legos, books, strollers, and of course baby dolls. Miranda and Elizabeth were in heaven (as was I.)

Then we went outside where there was a swing set with fort (that she got for free!) and a giant sandbox plus tons of running around space. When it got too cold for that, we marched back inside and up to the attic where they have a giant carpeted playroom. In the playroom? A bouncy house. Seriously. I wanted to kill Sue, the mom, and take over her identity, but I don't think Yana, her partner would have appreciated that. Parker was now in heaven. He especially enjoyed the window from the attic to the bathroom where I took Elizabeth to poop.

After some bouncing, we all came downstairs, said our good byes and went home to our tiny and boring house.

I told her we would be back today, but I'm not sure she believed me. :)

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