Tuesday, February 10, 2009


For a while, I've been trying to get Parker to understand the concept of the calendar and dates, but he never quite did. Which I found surprising considering it is all about numbers.

But with our upcoming trip to LA, he has gotten it. Everyday he says, "Is it February 10th? Does that mean we have 10 more days until our airplane trip?" (I said, is that more or less than two weeks? Less! Is that more or less than one week? More!) He also told me that Daddy is working at his school after February 28th (which meant in March). And he asked me what day is birthday is this year. And the other day he said, "Is 2010 next?" Since he asked that question in the middle of the day out of nowhere, I had no idea what he was talking about and say, "Huh? Is what next?" Then he said, "What's after the 31st day in December?"

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