Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cluck and other news

This morning, Parker was reading his new favorite book "Cluck O'Clock" to the girls. It's a story about a bunch of chickens that live on a farm and what they do all day long. Parker, of course, likes it because it tells the time of day throughout. At the end the chickens foil the fox with some feather waving and Miranda really likes that part.

After that, I told them to each get a new library book and I would read it to them before gymnastics class. Parker got this cluck book. Elizabeth grabbed some other book and ran back. Miranda was no where to be seen. I told her to hurry up. I asked her what she was doing. I told her again to get back with the book so we could start, but she didn't come. A few pages into Parker's book, she returns with "Five Little Ducks" and a big smile. This book was at the bottom of the stack so she obviously really wanted that specific book.

In other Parker news, he told me that when I'm 100 years old, I'll float up into the clouds. I asked him lots of questions about that statement, but got nothing more out of him.

He also said this morning that he wanted shoes with wheels on them so he could roll across the floor. I have no idea where he saw the shoes. I hope I never get them for him since they scare the crap out of me.

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