Sunday, February 08, 2009

Diaper tales

Miranda looked like she needed to poop this morning, so I took her into the bathroom. She tried, but nothing came out. So I figured it would come soon and I let her go without diapers. About 5 minutes later, after I had already gotten distracted with something else, sure enough, she pooped. It was the grossest thing I have had to clean up since becoming a mom. Anyway...after cleaning her up (which required a quick bath), I put a diaper on her and she and Eli put on leotards and started playing in their room. They played for a good long time, pretending to be at gymnastics class, doing ring around the rosie and generally being cute. I came back in at some point to get them dressed (or at least to give Eli some clothes) and I noticed Miranda was not wearing a diaper anymore, but was still wearing a leotard. Since I was 100% confident I had put one on her, I said, "Miranda what happened to your diaper?" She said, "Elizabeth took it off."

Oh great. Elizabeth is now getting Miranda undressed. Good times.

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