Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Change of Plans

Months ago, we had arranged that I would watch Ava today since Allison had to work at the preschool. With the girls in their own school this morning, I thought it would be a bit tricky. I was looking forward to a nice morning with just one child, but when I saw all of them playing together and so happy to see each other, I called the daycare and told them, The girls won't be coming today. Then we all went to the zoo. It was like I had triplets. Everyone did exceptionally well, walking most of the way. We even got a private show from the otters who are rarely out. Ava wasn't as happy about the merry go round as my girls were, but everyone loved lunch and we got back just minutes before Parker, Beatriz and Ava drove up.

The day made me wonder whether triplets might be easier since the balance of power would be off. Right now we have bully and victim, but with Ava there, everyone got along great. Would we have bully, bully, victim if they were all mine? Or bully, victim, victim? Or friends, friends, friends?

Thank god I'll never find out the answer to that one.

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