Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dentist for Three

I took the kids to the dentist today. I decided to ditch the kid friendly dentist (since the wait was always very long) and took them to my dentist, who is anything but kid friendly (I've never seen him without a mask.) After a long wait (which is quite unusual at my dentist), we went in. Miranda was first. I held her on my lap in the chair and laid back. She was absolutely perfect. He checked her out and actually brushed her teeth with one of the electric instruments that was quite loud. He also used the water thing and sucker in her mouth, which she also handled amazingly well. The dentist was quite impressed as I was. This is a girl that cries if you look at her funny, but yet she is perfect at the doctor or dentist.

Eli was next and started off great, but then quickly decided that this was pretty bad and started crying. We tried to continue, but gave up before he got to the bottom teeth.

Parker was last and was on the chair by himself. He wasn't happy about the whole thing, but was a little trooper and didn't cry or complain too much. I was quite proud of him. I don't need to bring the girls back for a year, but Parker goes every 6 months now. I made it to 22 without a cavity so I'm hoping they get there too.

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