Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tom Sawyer

Somehow I've convinced the kids that unloading the dishwasher is really fun thing to do and they should always help me do it. It works out great for me since bending down to the lower rack is a killer on my still-not-yet-recoveredfrom-three-babies-2c-sections-breastfeeding-andcarrying-around-infantseats back. The kids all crowd around and hand me plates, bowls, cups, and forks. (I take out the knifes before they start.) Each time I say, "BOWL!" "GLASS!" "BIGGGG SPOON!" They think this is hilarious. I have no idea why, but I'm not arguing with it and will enjoy the help for as long as I can get it. I'm a little nervous about them dropping a big plate or bowl, but so far, so good.

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