Monday, February 09, 2009

No sweet tooth for Eli.

Whenever one of the kids does something that I don't particularly like or acts in a certain way, I like to blame Amy. And of course, when they do something good or cute or positive, I like to take credit...nurture over nature and all that.

But, Elizabeth's lack of interest in sweets is truly troubling. Both Amy and I like our sweets. Chocolate in particular, but I'll eat any kind of candy from starbursts to abba zabas (sp) Amy has a more refined pallete, but has been known, and reminded of often, to partake in gummy bears from time to time.

Elizabeth won't even eat a cookie. She has even said, "I don't like cookies." Who the hell doesn't like cookies?? She takes one tiny bite of a piece of chocolate and gives it to her brother or sister, who will happily always take it. Cupcake? No thanks. Pudding? Nah. She picks pineapple and oranges over cake and ice cream. Excuse me?!!?

I should be thankful that one child escaped the sweet tooth, but the whole thing is very upsetting and would, had she not so many of the Long/Martin qualities, make me wonder what was going on in that lab three years ago.

1 comment:

Ebba said...

Lincoln was the same way until about age 3 - 3.5. Then it was like a switch flipped. In the meantime, enjoy - it's more chocolate and cookies for the rest of us!