Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine Cards

At the latest parent meeting at Parker's preschool, we were told each kid had to bring 19 valentines day cards to school on Friday. The only instruction was that he had to write his name on each of them.

I thought there was no way in hell I was going to get Parker to sit and make 19 cards, so I bought a bunch of cards at Target and was just going to have him sign them. Then I thought I should at least give him a chance, so I got some paper, cut it into card like shapes and gave him a pen, some stickers, some hearts and told him to have at it. My only instructions were that he had to write his name somewhere on the inside of the card. Oh and occasionally I reminded him to use hearts somewhere on it.

Here is the result. I was very impressed.


Amity said...

Wow Rach, I'm impressed! I feel bad I didn't even give Mac a chance! Happy Valentines Day :)!

Rachel said...

We shouldn't have bothered. Most of the other kids had store bought cards...

Val said...

You should have auctioned these on Ebay and bought the store cards for his class!